Saturday, July 18, 2009

Indian traffic ...

See the video. This could be a shot taken from our office.

The rules are quite simple on itself, only the diversity of different entities taking part in traffic is making it confusing.

Rule 1:
Blow your horn to let them know you exist. Keep it blowing as long as you feel unsure about getting noticed.

Rule 2:
Never ever really stop your vehicle. Feet, wheels and roads are made to move on, not to stand still !

Rule 3:
If you come across an accident, don't help the victim.
a) he/she is a cow;
b) he/she is a relative;
c) he/she still owes you money;
d) he/she has a high position in the administration;
e) he/she is white (well, I'm still not sure about e));

Rule 4 defines the importance you have on the road
a) A kid-pedestrian has a lower status than the adult pedestrian;
b) A pedestrian has lesser rights than the regular bicycle-driver;
c) The bicycle has to slow down for a unmotorised riksha;
d) A regular riksha has to make way for a bike;
e) The autoriksha has power over the bikedriver;
f) The bikedriver comes second to a small car;
g) A small car has to make way for a big car, and certainly if the big car is a jeep;
h) All previous types of vehicles make sure that a truck can pass;
i) A truck has to stop for a bus;
j) A bus doesn't stop for anyone, even not for it's passengers;

Rule 5:
Rules 1-4 are in all situations applicable, EXCEPT if a COW crosses the street ... then the cow does whatever she wants, forcing Rule 4 to be applied in reverse order. Rule 3 of course still applies if the cow causes an accident.
Obviously rule 1 and 2 are cancelled then.

Horning to a cow would be a bit rude, don't you think ?

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