Saturday, June 12, 2010

Can curiosity kill the cat?

I read today, Sunday 13th of June 2010, in the paper this intriguing crime-question: "CAN THE TWEET KILL THE BOOK?".

My mind wanders away and several other questions arise.
Can Facebook kill the book? (2008)
Can the internet kill the book? (nineties)
Can the television kill the book? (eighties)
Can the movie theater kill the book? (twenties-thirties)

More questions come up ...
Can the digital camera kill the analog camera? (nineties)
Can the computer kill the typewriter? (eigthies)
Can the email kill the phone? (eigthies)
Can color television kill black&white? (sixties)
Can the car kill the horse? (end nineteenth century)
Can the bulb kill the petrol lamps? (19th century)

What would questions like these actually mean ...
Would somebody ever have the idea of asking them before
they actually happened?
Can Cliff Barnes kill JR? (asked in 1979)
Can Oswald kill Kennedy? (asked on 21th November 1963)
Can Union Carbide kill 15,000 people? (asked on 2 December 1984)
Can BP kill the leak? (before there was one)
Can Cobain kill himself? (before he actually did)

What about these questions ?
Can the laptop kill the desktop?
Can sex kill the Roman Catholic Church?
Can the car still kill the train?
Can online ecucation kill the classroom?
Can becoming an adult kill your youth?
Can Google kill Microsoft?
Can DDT kill the insect?
Can copper kill iron?
Can iron kill stone ?
Can China kill democracy?
Can money kill love?
Can Symantec kill the computervirus?

Some questions can become really dangerous if you would start digging too deep:
Can my wife kill my marriage?
Can the Indian politician make a killing?

There's only one real and meaningful question.
Knowing the answer to it is necessary, before you look for other answers.